28 | Nov | 14

Richard Johnson

Save Our Souls


The Real Junk Food Café is the most inspirational place to eat in the world. And it’s currently threatened with closure. The workers at the café (all volunteers) are proud to feed the people of Armley – a down-at-heel town outside Leeds – but they don’t set prices for their food. They simply ask people to ‘pay what they feel’. And they don’t really have a set menu. The team cook up whatever’s best from the food waste they have intercepted from Leeds Markets that day. The café aims to reduce food waste and help those living in food poverty, and has inspired similar projects all around the country. To date, it has served nearly 3,000 people hot meals in Armley, and intercepted more than 10,000 kilos of waste. We were proud to have them produce delicious intercepted smoothies for everyone at the 2014 British Street Food Awards — and have offered them a pitch at Trinity Kitchen this Christmas (to help make the most of the season of excess). But now they are in danger of being evicted, and have launched a crowd-funding push on Indiegogo to raise £100,000 to buy the Armley premises outright. The cafe has become an invaluable resource for so many in the local community, and to see it close would be a hard blow to everyone who has worked so hard to build it into what it is today. Please share this post, and give what you can at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-real-junk-food-project-pay-as-you-feel-cafe–2/x/6921482.

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